VALD ForceDecks

  • Game Changing Technology

    At Connect Physical Therapy and Pilates Clinic, we are committed to utilizing cutting-edge technology like VALD ForceDecks to provide personalized care, enhance performance, and promote overall well-being. ForceDecks allow us a high tech way to collect baseline data on your performance assess your injury risk, monitor your rehabilitation progress, collect baseline data and improve outcomes. This kind of data collection and analysis used to only be available to elite athletes but we have added to our line of services to further our commitment to helping our community FEEL BETTER. MOVE BETTER. LIVE BETTER

Force Decks FAQ

  • VALD ForceDecks are advanced dual force plate systems that measure ground reaction forces during various movements. They provide detailed insights into your strength, power, balance, and asymmetries.  This data allows our physical therapy team to make precise assessments that help us to evaluate your risk for injury.  It also helps us select targeted interventions to optimize your rehabilitation or training plan. This evaluation is helpful during preseason, post season, or following an injury.escription text goes here

  • Preseason screenings with ForceDecks help us establish baseline performance metrics, such as strength, power, and balance. This data helps identify potential weaknesses or imbalances, enabling us to make adjustments to your training program. Ultimately the goal is to enhance your performance and reduce the risk of injury. 

  • ForceDecks offer precise measurements of key performance indicators, including jump height, rate of force development, and limb asymmetries. This detailed information enables athletes and coaches to tailor training programs effectively, monitor improvements, and optimize overall athletic performance.

    • Peak Force: Indicates overall strength.

    • Rate of Force Development (RFD): Reflects the ability to generate force rapidly, crucial for explosive movements.

    • Limb Symmetry Index (LSI): Assesses differences between limbs, important for identifying and addressing imbalances.

    • Center of Pressure (CoP): Provides insights into balance and postural control.

  • Each participant will have a profile created in the VALD testing system. Once our team has had a chance to review your data we will send you a personalized email that includes read outs from your test as well as our recommendations for your training within 48 hours of your test.

  • For athletes recovering from injuries, ForceDecks assessments provide objective data on their rehabilitation progress.

    Athletes that had preseason testing can compare their post-injury performance to baseline levels. This helps clinicians determine when an athlete has regained sufficient function to safely return to sport, minimizing the risk of re-injury.

    Athletes that did not participate in preseason screening can also benefit by comparing their data against a large database of age-matched peers as well as compare injured to non-injured side data to make decisions about safe return to sport.

  • Yes, ForceDecks assessments are safe and non-invasive, making them suitable for individuals across various age groups and fitness levels. Whether for athletic performance enhancement or fall risk assessment in older adults, the evaluations are tailored to meet individual needs

  • Yes, ForceDecks are valuable tools for assessing fall risk in older adults. By evaluating balance, strength, and postural control, clinicians can identify individuals at higher risk of falling and implement targeted interventions to improve stability and prevent falls.

  • The frequency of assessments depends on individual goals and circumstances. Athletes might benefit from preseason, midseason, and postseason evaluations, while older adults could consider periodic assessments to monitor balance and strength, aiding in fall prevention strategies and to monitor improvements with a balance or strengthening program.

  • To schedule a ForceDecks assessment, please click the button below or contact our clinic directly. Our team will guide you through the process, answer any additional questions, and ensure you receive a comprehensive evaluation tailored to your needs.

  • Absolutely! We offer group testing at our office or onsite where you practice. We offer special team pricing of $49/athlete and can test in groups of 4. Our office manager can help set up a call with one of our physical therapists who can help understand your needs and schedule a time to test.