The Energy of Pilates

The Energy of Pilates

I’m writing this to you all 4 days into a 9 day training at Balanced Body headquarters in Sacramento, CA.  Today was our coolest day yet at only 101˚ F!  I am here with 20 other passionate Pilates instructors from all over the world (Spain, Italy, Guam, China, and India are represented) immersing ourselves in mat and reformer Pilates to revisit things we know, think about them in new ways, and learn more about how to inspire the next generation of teachers who participate in our trainings.    

It’s been 18 years since I first started teaching this method and one of the things that never ceases to amaze me is that there is always something new to learn.  So far, I’ve been reminded of the power of going back to the basics - searching for ever deeper connections in the body to help support the challenges Pilates gives to us.  I’ve been inspired by the energy and dedication of the teachers in the room to both honor the work Joseph Pilates gave to us and continue to push it forward to meet the modern world.  I’ve been inspired by the amazing team of professionals at Balanced Body who put so much love and care into everything they do and I’ve been inspired by how lovely my body feels after 4 days full of Pilates mat exercises!  

We had an opportunity to tour the factory today where all the equipment is made.  Ken Endleman, the founder of Balanced Body was our guide.  While I’ve been on the tour before, today served as a good reminder just how many people are involved in making each piece of equipment.  As a company, Balanced Body goes to great lengths to make sure their materials and practices take care of the environment, their employees, and their customers.  Ken is sometimes like a kid in a candy store when he describes the way it all comes together and is so happy to be able to carry on the magic of Pilates through the high-quality equipment and education his company provides.  I feel proud to be one small part of their family.  

Stay tuned for more updates but here are my take-aways so far:

  1. We’re bringing back the mat!  We’ll be looking at the schedule and finding spots to add mat classes back into our offerings.  

  2. It’s always important to revisit the fundamentals of Pilates- they are the scaffolding on which we build all of our skills from. 

  3. I am one lucky girl to get to do this for a living!

    Above all, I am reminded of the importance of checking in - with myself and also with you.  What do you need?  How can we serve you better?  What do you want more of/less of?  If you have specific thoughts please share them with us by emailing  See you soon!

Dr. Carrie Lamb, PT, DPT, OCS, NCPT

I am a mover – plain and simple. I fidget, I stretch, I sit on the floor, I make things. I cook, I teach, and I play outside as much as I can. I’m grateful every day that 20 years ago I was accepted into Physical Therapy school.

I found my calling early and have spent my entire career as a curious observer of how we move. Functional, dysfunctional, different, interesting, and outright unbelievable movement patterns spark my curiosity and my creativity. I continue to be inspired and fascinated with the ability of the human body and mind to adapt and change (for better or worse) to meet the demands being placed on it.

I’ve spent many years learning manual techniques to align, lengthen, release, and stretch different areas of the body. What I’ve learned is that they are all useful as long as they help restore MOVEMENT. We are mobile beings and interact with each other and our world through our ability to move. I am passionate about empowering people to optimize their movement and fully engage with the world around them. This passion has given me amazing opportunities to teach locally, nationally and internationally to spread my love of movement. I hope to share that with you too!
University of Colorado, Masters of Physical Therapy 2000
Regis University, Doctor of Physical Therapy 2012
Board Certified in Orthopedics
CoreAlign® Master Instructor
Nationally Certified Pilates Trainer, PMA®


Pilates is having a moment…again.


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