Plant- Based Holiday Main Dish

The holidays in our family are all about the food.  I’ll miss gathering this year and will miss the comfort of eating my brother’s mashed potatoes, my mom’s pumpkin pie, and all the “usual” appetizers and treats we’ve come to associate with this time of year.  However, since we’ve been plant-based eaters for the past three seasons we have found our way of eating invariably induces stress in our loved ones.  “But what will you eat?!” they say.  “Shut, I forgot this has butter and eggs!” The thought of replacing a turkey at Thanksgiving or a meat and potatoes holiday meal can seem overwhelming if that’s not your world and while we sincerely appreciate the concern we feel plant-based eating isn’t as complicated as they think.  Nonetheless, we hope all of our family members are breathing a sigh of relief this year since we, sadly, are not getting together and they don’t have to navigate our food choices.

For anyone looking for a simple, plant-based holiday main dish I highly recommend a stuffed squash.  I usually use delicata squash but any variety will do.  This recipe from Love and Lemons offers some good stuffing suggestions.   My favorite combination is wild rice, mushrooms, dried cranberries and walnuts with whatever seasonings I have on hand.  Let me know if you try it out and what you used for fillings.

Happy Holidays!


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